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Machine Talk Blog

This is where “what if?” becomes “what is”. Where engineers come to solve their problems and expand their vision. Read articles on the go about friction welding technologies for your industry and other trending friction welding topics.

News & Updates (2)

What is Plug Welding and How Can It Help the Aerospace Industry?
What is plug welding and how does it work? We walk you through the process and explain why aerospace companies may find it to be a cost-saving solution!

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Can My Part Be Joined With Rotary Friction Welding?
Can my part be joined with rotary friction welding? It's one of the most common questions we receive from prospective customers. In this blog, we will outline some of our qualifications to help you decide whether our technology is right for you!

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Why Is Part Geometry Important in Friction Welding?
Why is part geometry such an important aspect of friction welding? Learn how shapes and sizes can make all the difference in your next project!

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MTI Sets Sights on NASA's Artemis Mission
South Bend-based Manufacturing Technology, Inc. will play a role in future space missions, including NASA's Artemis program. It aims to send the first woman and next man to the moon by 2024.

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The Friction Welding Dictionary
Want to be a friction welding expert? Check out some of the most popular terms in the world of solid-state joining and start welding them into your vocabulary!

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Low Force vs. Traditional Friction Welding: Which One Is Right For Your Project?
Why would you choose Low Force Friction Welding if you've relied on traditional friction welding for years? We break down the differences and highlight applications that could see the most benefit.

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Friction Welding for Electric Vehicles
Friction Welding has the potential of helping revolutionize the electric vehicle market by offering a process that promotes lighter parts, watertight seals and increased efficiency.

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How Does Inertia Friction Welding Work?
What is Inertia Friction Welding and how does it work? Allow us to explain MTI's state-of-the-art process.

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Eliminate Machine Downtime by Investing in a Preventative Maintenance Package
Avoid costly downtime and production interruptions by investing in an MTI Preventative Maintenance Package for your friction welding machine!

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How Friction Welding Can Solve Wear Problems in the Oil Sands Industry
Linear Friction Welding can be a more effective joining solution for Mining and Oil Sands producers that use tungsten carbide tiles to protect their heavy-duty equipment.

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How Friction Welding Helps Achieve Lightweighting in Aerospace & Automotive Industries
Many companies, across all types of industries, have an interest in lightweighting. Friction welding can help them achieve lighter parts through a variety of different methods.

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North America's First Linear Friction Welder for Full-Sized Part Development Now Operational in Detroit
The first and only linear friction welder capable of full-sized part development in North America is fully operational and ready for project work at LIFT - Lightweight Innovations for Tomorrow.

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